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Privacy policy
Privacy policy for marketing porposes

We are aware that the careful handling of your personal information is important to you. We use your data only within the legal framework and with your consent.  With this privacy statement you give the SIMACEK Facility Management Group GmbH (called “SIMACEK”) your consent that we may collect, process and use your personal data listed below for the purposes specified here. This consent can be revoked in the future at any time free of charge. We take care that the technical and organizational requirements meet the provisions of right to information, right of correction or deletion (according to § 26 and § 27 Data Protection Act 2000) within the statutory time limits at any time.  

The responsible authority according to the data protection act is:

SIMACEK Facility Management Group GmbH
Ignaz-Köck-Straße 8 · 1210 Wien

Tel.: +43 1 21166-10176
Fax: +43 1 21166-910176

HG Wien · FN 116454g · DVR Nr. 0395561 · UID ATU14225408

See: Legals and site policy

Which information of our customers do we collect and use?

The Information you have provided, help us to make your client relationship with SIMACEK personal and improve continually. The data you provide will be used both for the processing of orders, delivery of goods, provision of services, as well as all other communications regarding the order. All information will be conscientiously entered into our system. We also use your information to provide content such as your wishes or reviews and to recommend products or services or to send you offers by post / mail that may interest you. We also use, with your express consent, your personal data or information as a reference to demonstrate to existing and future clients our successful and efficient working relationship with you. Furthermore, we also use your information to enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf.

SIMACEK is a subsidiary of Simacek Holding GmbH. All group affiliates can exchange this personal information with each other and use them in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The data is used for the various fields of activity. Look under the overview of services.

What information do we use?

  • Master data: Name or company name or designation, address, order number, professional, industry and business name, registered book data, salutation,  gender, date of birth if specified by the person concerned.
  • Contact information: Telephone and fax number, e-mail and other information required for addressing (correspondence) arising from modern communication tools.

    In order to optimize your business processes, we often receive a confirmation about which e mails from SIMACEK you open, as far as your computer supports such capabilities. We compare also our client base with commercial marketing databases, to avoid unnecessary e-mails are sent to our clients. Contact information, we also use to send you electronically  (by e-mail) or by post our offers, or to respond to your inquiries / orders. If you dont wish to receive any e-mails/posts in terms of catalogs, letters, cards, mailings, newsletters, special offers, promotions, gift vouchers or client service from us, you can refuse or cancel this service at any time. Furthermore you can unsubscribe from our newsletter by means of a special link at the end of every newsletter.
  • Marketing-related data:
  • Locking indicator for promotion activities
  • Prohibiting the transmission of data to address publishers
  • Correspondence language, other arrangements and other keys for data exchange
  • Function or assisted field of work at clients or potential clients
  • Demand interests (in view of the previous demand interests or own information from the client to the client)
  • Buying power ranking
  • Support data (as: advertising material that has been sent to us, frequencies of the contact etc.)
  • Buying behavior (frequency and volume)
  • Other response behavior to promotional activities
  • Publicly available data, as far as they are relevant for the purpose of advertising
  • Membership of a particular interested parties class
  • The response behaviour to promotional activities
  • Information, which you give us: We collect and store all other information you provide to us in any way.  We use this information to provide your future personal services, to improve our offers and for the communication. This data, we can use only in the context of the above data types (master data, contact information, marketing-related data).
  • Information from other sources: Occasionally we may also use information about you from other sources and add it to our account information. This is the information that we obtain from commercial marketing databases or from third parties (eg. other clients, suppliers or our affiliated companies and partners that perform for us technical, logistical or other services on our behalf). We use such information to update our database so that we can expedite your next order and ensure communication with you. This data, we can use only in the context of the above data types (master data, contact information, marketing-related data).

    Service areas, object data, logo data: We use this information for references to existing and future clients in our offer. This type of data we can publish in any media (mass media, audiovisual media, electronic media, specialist media, etc.).

Does SIMACEK pass on information received?

Information about our clients is important for all our affiliates as well as for corporate partners and helps us to improve our services. However, it is not our business to sell this information. We provide the information that we receive to a third party, only within the guidelines described below:

  • Affiliated companies: Affiliated companies, that are controlled by SIMACEK Holding GmbH and its subsidiaries, subject to this Privacy Policy or following guidelines to provide at least as much protection as this Privacy Policy.

Subsidiaries and the respective contact persons are available on the website SIMACEK:

  • Partner/service providers: We delegate other companies and individuals to fulfil tasks on our behalf. These service providers are involved in the processing of your orders and have access to personal information, that they need only to implement these tasks. The service provider may entrust the implementation of processes to another company, only if SIMACEK expressly agrees. These companies also must not use the information for other purposes. In addition, they are obliged to treat the information in accordance with the Privacy Policy and the relevant data protection laws.

                A list of partner companies are on the SIMACEK website at:

  • Transfers of shares and ownership interests: As we continue to develop our business, it may be that we or another company controlled by SIMACEK Holding GmbH Company  buy or sell individual subsidiaries, parts of the company or components (eg branches).  In the course of such transactions the client information is usually transfered together with the part of the company that is to be transfered. If there are significant changes of ownership interests (eg The merger SIMACEK Holding GmbH with new companies), we will inform you accordingly. In this case, you are free to agree or prohibit data transfer. However, the data continues to be subject to the previously existing Privacy Policies (of course, with exception of the case where the client expressly agrees to other regulations).
  • Protection of SIMACEK and third parties: We will release personal information about clients, if we are legally obliged to do or such transfer is necessary to protect our rights and the rights of our clients and those of third parties, as well as to enforce our General terms and conditions or other agreements. It is clearly expressed that in this context no transfering of data takes place for business use to contradict anything, which is written in this Privacy Policy.
  • With your consent: In all other cases, we will inform you about personal information that is supposed to be transmitted to a third party and give you the possibility to to provide us with your consent or revoke your consent.

Contact the Data Protection Officer of the SIMACEK Facility Management Group GmbH

In order to give you a peace of mind with regard to how your personal data will be used, we would like to elucidate what happens to the produced data and which security measures are taken by us.

If you have questions regarding the collection, processing or usage of your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer directly. He is available for you in the case of information requests, requests for cancellation, revocation of consent, complaints or recommendations.

If desired, you can always revoke your given consent. Simply send a mail to

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